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FY25 Summer Strong RFA Q & A 

FY25 Summer Strong RFA 

Questions and Answers 

All questions should be submitted to [email protected] and answers will be published here between Thursday, January 16, 2025 and Friday, January 31, 2025. 

Q1: Our organization is a current MADC grantee, and we operate an afterschool program at an MADC priority school. Would we be eligible to apply for 2025 Summer Strong grant competition?

A1: Yes. Organizations awarded an MADC grant are eligible to apply for 2025 Summer Strong grant competition to serve youth at the MADC priority school(s) they were awarded to serve during the school year.

Q2: Our organization is a current MADC grantee. If we apply for 2025 Summer Strong grant competition, are we expected to serve the minimum number of youth across all current MADC priority school sites? Or could we serve the minimum number of youth at only one of our current MADC sites?

A2: MADC grantees serving multiple MADC priority school sites may apply to serve any combination of youth during Summer Strong who are currently attending the multiple sites served by the individual organization. This may be across multiple MADC priority school sites or at only one MADC priority school site. This is up to the discretion of the organization in collaboration with the priority school(s) served.

Q3: Our organization operates a summer camp program in DC that runs two 2-week overnight camp sessions for children in DC charter schools. Do we qualify for the grant?

A3: To qualify for a Summer Strong DC grant. all youth served via the Summer Strong DC program must be offered a minimum of five (5) hours per day, five (5) days per week across no less than five (5) consecutive weeks.

Q4: Can we pay stipends to parents?

A4: Grant funds awarded may be used to fund up to $25/month per youth for participant stipends. Please see page 7 and 8of the grant RFA for more information on allowable use of grant funds and limitations.

Q5: Can we pay for student snacks with grant budget?

A5: Grant funds awarded must be applied to snacks/meals for participating youth. Please see page 7 and 8 of the grant RFA for more information on allowable use of grant funds and limitations.

Q6: Are indirect costs allowed to be charged to the grant?

A6: Applicants may request to allocate up to 20% of the total grant amount towards indirect expenses in the application budget. Please see page 12 of the grant RFA for more information on allowable indirect costs.

Q7: Are there priority points provided for serving specific DC wards?

A7: Priority points are provided to applicants that serve a significant percentage of youth in wards 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Please see page 4 of the grant RFA for more information on priority points available.

Q8: Does DCPS pay for the programming to take place at a Sumer School Site?

A8: DCPS will not provide any funding for programming to take place at any of their Summer School host sites. If you need funding for the program, you may apply for the Summer Strong grant. However, if interested in serving at a DCPS Summer School site, please contact Devin Smith at [email protected] to discuss further.

Q9: Can an LLC apply for a Summer Strong grant, or do you have to be a nonprofit?

A9: Organizations must have a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a minimum of two (2) years at the time of submission to be eligible to apply for a Summer Strong DC grant. Applicants must submit 501(c)(3) designation letters from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). There will be an opportunity publicly posted in the Spring of 2025 for individuals, businesses or organizations to demonstrate interest in serving as a subcontractor for Summer Strong programs. This information will be shared with Summer Strong grantees. However, all contractual services entered into will be at the discretion of the grant-funded organization.

Q10: Our organization currently receive a year-round OST grant. Could you please advise us on our eligibility to apply for Summer Strong DC grant to serve youth at an additional location?

A10: Current OST grantees are not eligible to apply for Summer Strong DC grants. In FY24, all grantees were provided the opportunity to apply for three-year, year-round grants that included summer services. As a result, a much smaller portion of the total available grant funds made available to OST providers was allocated for Summer Strong DC grants. These funds, consequently, are available only to OST providers that are funded to provide summer-only programming in the District of Columbia.
Note: MADC grantees are the only exception to this rule, as they were not provided the opportunity to apply for year-round funding and so may apply to extend their current school year programs at the priority schools they serve via Summer Strong grants.

Q11: Is there a recording of the RFA information session that took place on January 21. 2025 available?

A11: Yes, please see video link here:

Q12: Are there acceptable alternatives to audited financial statements and financial reviews for organizations that may not yet have these documents readily available and/or have not needed them?

A12: There are currently no alternative documents accepted for the audit or financial review required for Summer Strong DC grant eligibility.

Q13: Are we able to use the eligibility documents previously loaded into the RFA portal for prior 3: competitions?

A13: Eligibility documents must meet the established criteria, including any date ranges, included within the RFA instructions. If an existing document meets the criteria, then you can use previously loaded document.

Q14: If we applied for the 2024 Summer Strong DC competition, where can we find feedback on our previous grant submission?

A14: Any organization with a Cityspan RFA account is able to log in and view their previous applications. Upon logging in, the default view will be the current RFA, but if the user selects "All RFAs" in the left menu, they will be able to see the application list and navigate to past RFAs using the dropdown. Once a previous RFA is selected from the dropdown, the user can select their application and view evaluations on this page.

Q15: Are Summer Strong DC funds restricted to programs at DCPS host sites or can they be used at non-DCPS locations.

A15: Summer Strong programming may occur at any accessible and safe location in the District or outside the District as long as grant funds are being used to serve only youth that reside within the District of Columbia.

Q16: Can a DC Public Charter School apply for this grant if the program will be hosted on its campus exclusively for its students?

A16: DC Public Charter Schools are eligible to apply for Summer Strong DC grants and may serve their school’s students exclusively. Services may be provided on school grounds or at another determined location.