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Learn 24

Conflict Resolution for Youth Workers (In-Person Workshop)

Last Date:

901 G Street Northwest Washington, DC 20001
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Conference Room 401-D

The OST Office's Institute for Youth Development Presents:

Conflict Resolution for Youth Workers (In-Person Workshop)

October 23, 2024

10:15 AM - 12:45 PM 

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library - Conference Room 401-D

901 G Street Northwest Washington, DC 20001

Register for the In-Person Training Here

This workshop will offer youth workers key tools and concepts of conflict resolution that can be used to support youth experiencing conflict as well as other conflict in their professional lives. This highly interactive workshop will explore conflict styles, skill building in nonviolent communication, and tips for de-escalation in online and in-person spaces. Participants will leave with practical tools they can begin to use right away in their work and beyond.