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Learn 24

OST Grants

The OST Office is tasked with improving both the quantity and quality of out-of-school time (OST) programs through targeted grant-making for service providers, as well as coordinating OST efforts across OST-affiliated government agencies. The OST Office is the largest OST grantmaking entity in DC.

The OST Office awards grants to support the quantity of high-quality OST programming for children and youth in DC. OST Office grantees provide programs during the critical hours of 3:00 to 6:00pm during the school year and across the summer months. Grants are awarded in a manner consistent with the OST Commission's Strategic Plan with particular attention to the strategic plan's goals and priorities for serving at-risk and other targeted youth populations, geographic distribution of out-of-school-time programs, and program quality.

For a list of the OST Office's FY25 grantees, click here.

OST Office Grantee Resources:

Other important tools and templates for OST Office grantees can be found here

For questions or concerns, email [email protected].

OST Office - FY25 Summer Strong: 

DC Government Funding Opportunities: 

  • District Grants Clearinghouse - The Mayor’s Office on Volunteerism & Partnerships is the electronic clearinghouse for all District of Columbia government grant notices. Stay updated on available funding opportunities.  

OST Funding Opportunities: 

  • Check back soon for additional funding opportunities!