The Weikart Center Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI)® is the framework used by the OST Office’s Institute for Youth Development to inform the quality of OST programs. The YPQI is a validated instrument designed to measure the quality of youth programs and identify staff training needs. It has been used in community organizations, schools, camps, and other places where youth have fun, work, and learn with adults.
The YPQI assess the following domains:
- Safe environment
- Supportive environment
- Interaction
- Engagement
The Weikart Center’s Program Quality Assessments are evidence-based assessment tools. Evidence is gathered through observation and interview. Program staff and an outside specialist observe program activities, take notes, and then conduct an interview with a program administrator. Notes, observations, and interview data are used as evidence to score items. Scores are combined to create an overall program quality profile and plan for improvement.